Bigger in the sense of emotional depth - and when I say Phantom, I'm sure you know I'm talking about "Phantom Menace."
So much I'd like to say about it. I don't know where to start. I feel like I had the experience we as artists are bound to have in producing our own work - that experience of nearly dying from heart failure, influenza, acute panic attack, hallux rigidus and advanced hair loss while producing it.
Luckily the New York International Fringe staff were able to come to my rescue by performing a complete "cashectomy," removing the strain of carrying any excess weight around in my wallet.
I'd love to thank all those who gave of their valuable time and sleep to help bring this show to life in the midst of my own failing health and the Fringe's commitment to chaos.
Director Francesco Campari, Asst Director Patricio Witis, Light and Sound Designer Bill Stonehouse, Assistant Producer Marco Garbuglia, and our ACR Estrela Straus. A crack team who really pushed this thing through. Thank you!
And I'd love to also thank all those who came to see it, and who let us know that a weird-ass show about a guy who talks to Morrissey, Joe Strummer and Paul Weller in his effed-up fantasy world was able to strike a chord with their own lives. We were all really glad to hear that!
Hello, i'm Alex ,I visit your blog and i like it very much!you have a 10 for creativity !good luck!
We do NOT have a commitment to chaos! But we DO support freedom of speech.
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